Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC2 is available

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Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC2 is available

Post by Jay »

Hi All,

I am pleased to announce the pre-release of Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC2. If things go well with this release this will be the next major release of Radio Toolbox. This candidate includes many fixes to the underlying structure of the Radio Toolbox application. It also includes many of the fixes and features requested by the community.

This candidate includes a new Notifier called "File Composer". You can utilize the template system to essentially build any kind of log or state file you like including CSVs or straight plain text Current track info files.
Also in this build are a great number of improvements to the "Audio Check" feature. Audio Check will now give more detail on the types of silence it has run into. Including Max duration and last duration stats. Also, Audio Check can now run on systems without soundcards. Speaking of soundcards, you can now select which Audio Device you would like Radio Toolbox to play out to. Check out the "Options" -> "Audio" panel to change which soundcard Radio Toolbox uses.

Speaking of Options, please check out the new Notifier panel. I feel that notifications has been the weakest offering Radio Toolbox provides. Therefore considerable attention has been placed on improving this system. This new panel gives you better insights into what is going on with the notifications systems.
Annotation 2020-04-15 034126.png
The addition of "Status Lights" and Trigger times indicates what is going on with notifications in a easy to read interface. In addition Web Scripting now properly supports POST HTTP calls and allows you to push json. Just flip over to the "Advanced" tab and set the "Content-Type" to whatever format you want to post. This is a great way to push updates to api driven services like Slack.

The way Radio Toolbox stores your passwords has changed with this release. It will no longer store passwords in the clear on your hard drive in rtbx session files or configs. These passwords are now encrypted using the Data Protection API (DPAPI) included with Windows. This locks the encrypted passwords to your Windows User account. If you migrate your Radio Toolbox profile directory to another system or run it as another user on your system you will need to resupply ALL passwords.

Additionally, this release include a new .NET Framework requirement version 4.5. If you do not already have .NET 4.5 installed you will be prompted to install it before you can upgrade.

If all of this sounds good and you want to help me out, please download the RC2 version from:
RC2 no longer available, download the release from here.

If you run into a bug, please provide me as much information as possible in this thread.

Thanks again everyone and happy streaming!
- Jay
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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC1 is available

Post by hdprene »

Congrats JAY!!
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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC1 is available

Post by hdprene »

The extended characters I use; Bublé, Tormé, etc. don't work yet
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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC1 is available

Post by Jay »

hmm interesting, Radio Toolbox uses UTF8 encoding for all transactions. The only place where things get sketchy are within metadata intervals in the stream itself as those require detection.

Have you provided your login credentials for your SHOUTcast server to Radio Toolbox?
- Jay
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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC1 is available

Post by Jay »

Oh, ha, found the issue, SHOUTcast, for a long time did not support UTF-8. So I made exceptions here. Will get a new build shortly.
- Jay
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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC1 is available

Post by hdprene »

Thanks! I see sleeve pics now too plus I got the email alerts working also.
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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC2 is available

Post by Jay »

RC2 is now available with UTF-8 detection on stream headers and ICY tracks. This is a best effort string detection as there isn't a reliable way to determine UTF-8 encoding other than analyzing strings. UTF-8 support has also been added to SHOUTcast v2.

Please let me know in this thread if you have any trouble, if things go well, this will be the next major release of Radio Toolbox.

RC2 no longer available, this has now been released.
- Jay
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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC2 is available

Post by hdprene »

Yes You solved the UTF-8 issue too! It made me very happy this morning!

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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC2 is available

Post by nchuijg »


RC 2 Don't show my Icecast servers, i have a MP3, aacPlus and OGG streams it's not showing up, RC 1 works fine.
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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC2 is available

Post by Jay »

Glad it is working for you hdprene.

I will definitely take a look into your Icecast issue nchuijg. I slipped in some fixes for Icecast 2.4 so perhaps this has hurt your config. Look forward to a build later today that addresses it.
- Jay
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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC2 is available

Post by Jay »


When you say "it's not showing up" do you mean that the servers are completely missing after upgarding to RC2 or that the streams show as offline?

Also have you provided Radio Toolbox with admin credentials to get your listener details filled? Could you send me your Radio Toobox session file via PM from RC1? You can zip up %LOCALAPPDATA%\RadioToolbox and send it via email to jay [at] this sites domain.

Thanks for helping me test this release!
- Jay
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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC2 is available

Post by Jay »

An important library file was ommitted from the installer by accident, the installer has been updated so redownload if you use Icecast2. This will only impact you if you use Icecast 2.4+
- Jay
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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC2 is available

Post by hdprene »

Hi Jay,
Short question (i hope ;-) ): I do see cover images now in the summary tab. Nice! How are these generated? From the cover tags from my mp3 files or from an external database?
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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC2 is available

Post by Jay »

They are guessed based off of the track name the server identifies. Right now we use Last.FM's API.
- Jay
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Re: Radio Toolbox v2.3.0 RC2 is available

Post by hdprene »

Ok Clear!